If you’re using a tool like MixItUp

This is the perfect thing to use! Because currently TTS Helper doesn’t support YouTube, you can use MixItUp to send TTS request here.

TTS Helper is lacking severely in it’s exposed APIs, not that it needs much to begin with!

There’s currently only one exposed API endpoint.

All this does is allows you to send TTS request to TTS Helper If the username is in a block list, or if the text content contains a banned word, your request will be ignored.

Here’s the info:

HTML Table
HTTP Type EndPoint Data Structure
POST http://localhost:12589/tts
            "username": "Panku",
            "platform": "twitch",
            "text": "Hello world!",
            "char_limit": 300

All of these can be changed, obviously, besides the platform field.
Currently platform supports twitch, youtube and vstream (rip)